Aretha Franklin Didn’t Have An Estate Plan…

Aretha Franklin Didn’t Have An Estate Plan…
ARETHA FRANKLIN DIDN’T HAVE AN ESTATE PLAN                Legendary singer Aretha Franklin died on August 16, 2018.  She was 76 years old and apparently died without an estate plan. As [...]
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Gift Taxes 101
GIFT TAXES 101 Federal gift taxes are extremely confusing.  While it may seem odd to most people that even giving away your property can result in tax consequences, as we [...]
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Prince Has Died: What About His Estate?
PRINCE HAS DIED:  WHAT ABOUT HIS ESTATE? As we all know by now, legendary musician Prince unexpectedly passed away recently at 58.  While the circumstances of his death are unclear, [...]
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Do you need a Living Trust?
Do You Need A Living Trust? A common question for many people coming into my office to discuss estate planning is “Do I need a living trust?”  My usual response [...]
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Starting an estate plan…
    Estate planning can be intimidating.  Most people don’t like to talk about death and taxes and studies show that about 55% of people die without a will or [...]
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Estate taxes and inheritance taxes…
Clients are often understandably confused about the effect of so-called death taxes on their estate planning.  To start, the term “death taxes” usually refers to two separate taxes:  estate tax [...]
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    Client Review

    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
    Client Review