Planning Your Future with an Estate Planning Lawyer

Everyone takes care of someone else, whether we like it or not. No man (or woman) is an island, and when it comes to family, we stick with those we love and take steps to make sure they’re comfortable and looked after. But if you have dependents such as children, elderly parents, or relatives with disabilities, it’s especially important to make sure they’re cared for in the event of an emergency or unforeseen tragedy.

When people think of estate planning lawyers, they typically think of wills, trusts, and other documents to keep relatives and friends from fighting over assets when a person dies. However, as an  estate planning lawyer, like one from Yee Law Group, P.C. can explain, there are many more responsibilities and services you can expect from a legal professional who specializes in estate planning.

Read on to learn a little more about guardianship, powers of attorney, and how an estate planning lawyer can provide you and your family with valuable peace of mind.


It’s a tough pill to swallow, but you won’t be around forever. This means that the people who are depending on you for their care and quality of life will need someone to look after them when you are no longer able to. This is where guardianship comes in.

A guardian is a legally-appointed individual who shoulders the responsibilities of care for another person. When you get together with an estate planning lawyer, you aren’t locked in to a dry conversation about wills and trusts. You can also select someone you trust to assume responsibility for your disabled relative, elderly parents, or young children. Should you become incapacitated or die, they’ll step up to take care of the people you care about.

There are two types of guardian. A guardian of the person takes direct care of the person. This includes providing shelter, clothing, food, and the quality of life that you provided when you were able. A guardian of the estate is strictly in charge of finances, and will assist in handling the money left behind for underage beneficiaries.

Naming a guardian in your will or trust is a great load off your shoulders. But throughout all your estate planning, did you stop to think about yourself? Read on to learn more about powers of attorney.

Powers of Attorney

When you grant someone power of attorney, you’re giving them the legal ability to act on your behalf. If you’re suddenly unable to make important life decisions by yourself, the person you’ve granted power of attorney can take over and manage your finances and your estate for you.

Granting power of attorney is a responsible move if your family has a history of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Additionally, if you’re suddenly incapacitated, the person with power of attorney can assume responsibility for your finances. It goes without saying that you should only grant power of attorney to someone you can trust. Fortunately, you can work with your estate planning lawyer to plan out powers of attorney, and more.

Contact an Estate Planning Lawyer Today

When you reach out to an estate planning lawyer, you’re taking an important step towards ensuring your family and friends are looked after when you’re no longer able to do so yourself. And you’re also taking an important step to helping them grieve your loss properly. The right estate planning attorney can help you plan wills, trusts, and more – contact an estate planning lawyer today.