Estate Litigation Lawyer for Elderly Loved Ones

Trust Lawyer St. Peters, Missouri

Estate Litigation Lawyer for Elderly Loved OnesIf you are fighting to protect your elderly loved ones, trying to stop the fraud of a trust, or challenging a will, you should have a trust lawyer St. Peters, Missouri residents respect on your side. This area of the law tends to be extremely complex and should be navigate with precision and skill.

At The Legacy Law Center, our team of estate and trust litigators has decades of experience in helping people find solutions to their estate law disputes. With a direct focus on estate and trust law, we have the necessary resources, manpower, and time to devote to cases that involve estate disputes and an elderly loved one. For an immediate consultation with a trust lawyer serving St. Peters, Missouri, please call our firm today.

Common Estate Litigation Cases Handled By The Legacy Law Center

  • Financial elder abuse
  • Coercion
  • Incompetency issues
  • Guardianship issues
  • Trust litigation
  • Fraud
  • Interpretation disputes
  • Beneficiary/heir disputes
  • Will caveat actions
  • Will contests

Whether your estate litigation matter requires mindful negotiation or aggressive litigation, our estate and trust lawyers in St. Peters, Missouri have the skills you may need to resolve it. Give The Legacy Law Center a call or email us as soon as possible so we can listen to your dispute and explore all of your legal options.

Fighting Against Financial Elder Abuse

Financial elder abuse is unfortunately commonplace in today’s world. It generally occurs when someone who has been granted power of attorney, or another position of trust, over an elderly person, and they abuse their position. The result of this abuse can be many, but is typically financial harm to the elderly person, in addition to emotional distress.

A savvy trust lawyer in St. Peters, Missouri knows that, sadly, friends, family, and fiduciaries can practice this type of financial abuse. Usually the elderly person is lonely, frightened, or completely unaware of what is going on. Signs of financial abuse are broad, but may include:

  • Inappropriate use of a credit or debit card
  • Questionable withdrawals from bank accounts
  • Inability of the elder to explain certain banking transactions
  • Missing money or checks
  • Missing property
  • Abrupt changes in wills or deeds
  • Unexpected transfers of titles
  • Any other questionable financial transactions

If you have noticed any of the above, and believe an elderly person’s estate is at risk, you should call a St. Peters, Missouri trust lawyer as soon as possible.

The Vulnerability of Elderly People

Elderly people tend to be a easy target for financial abuse. They often have a diminished capacity to make decisions, are socially isolated, and cannot turn to another sound person for advice. Sadly, these vulnerabilities can make them a target for someone who has the wrong motives. When an elderly person displays the following characteristics or behaviors, they may be at risk for some kind of financial abuse:

  • Mental illness
  • Deterioration of emotional, mental, and physical health
  • Loneliness
  • Isolation
  • Family members with substance abuse problems
  • Lack of social outlets

In Missouri, all elderly people are protected by laws that prohibit financial exploitation. These laws extend to people who are physically or mentally incapacitated. Whenever financial abuse is suspected, it must be legally reported and investigated. If the allegations are true, the abuser could be criminally charged. The elder, or someone on behalf of the elder, may pursue damages by filing an estate litigation claim.

Do You Believe An Elder’s Estate is At Risk?

If you suspect an elder is being taken advantage of, and feel their estate is at risk, there are many options for litigation. It is important that you not delay in getting help. Talk with a tenacious trust lawyer St. Peters, Missouri families can trust at The Legacy Law Center today to find out how the elder rights and finances of someone you love can be protected.