8 reasons you need an estate plan…

8 reasons you need an estate plan…
          8 Biggest Reasons You Need An Estate Plan You don’t have to be a millionaire to benefit from an estate plan.  If you own a [...]
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Starting an estate plan…
    Estate planning can be intimidating.  Most people don’t like to talk about death and taxes and studies show that about 55% of people die without a will or [...]
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Woman: I’m taking my own life….
http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/10/07/brittany-maynard-euthanasia-brain-tumor/16853611/   This is not only a heartbreaking situation for her but one that we will see increasingly in the coming years as the Baby Boomers, a huge population, grow [...]
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5 Myths about Healthcare Directives, Living Wills and Healthcare Powers of Attorney in Missouri…
A healthcare directive is a general term of a document that gives instructions about your health care and appoints someone to make medical treatment decisions for you if you cannot [...]
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    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
    Client Review