Chesterfield, MO Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate Planning Law Firm in Chesterfield, MO

Basic Facts About the Health Care or Medical Power of Attorney

estate planning lawyer Chesterfield MOThough preparing wills, health care plans, and designating a power of attorney are matters that an estate planning lawyer Chesterfield, MO is well-versed in, many folks may not even know where to start. As another generation gracefully ages into a position as the elders of society, some may require the special care available from family, friends or community. This care may include housing, medical help or physical attention. One of the best ways you can prepare for the possibility of medical care intervention is with a health care or medical power of attorney. Here at Legacy Law Center, we’ve prepared a list of things to know about the document. Read on to learn more.

Power of Attorney

A medical or health care power of attorney is a legal document created by an attorney at your request. The POA names an agent chosen to make medical decisions when you are unable to do so. The agent should be someone that can be trusted to make difficult medical decisions involving life and death while they are under pressure. That means the person could have your life in their hands.

Papers With Names

As with any papers that hand power over one individual to another, the specifics of that POA legal document are essential in understanding how it will affect your life. However, there are many names that your lawyer may call the POA. Here are a few of the phrases a medical power of attorney is also referred to.

  • Medical directive power of attorney
  • Advance health care directive
  • Health care power of attorney
  • Power of attorney for health care

No matter how you scramble the words, they refer to the same thing, and that is a medical POA that allows someone to speak for you if you need medical help and are incapacitated. If you’re uncertain of a term, speak with an experienced estate planning lawyer in Chesterfield, Missouri to determine whether you have a POA.

Power Over You

There may be severe medical conditions or situations that arise in your life as you age, and sometimes you may not be able to speak for yourself. That is when a POA would take control over your medical decisions. The document will also take effect if a doctor declares you are unable to make medical decisions for yourself, even if you believe you are still capable. The document lists your wishes about your personal care, and those wishes must be followed by the agent, even if they disagree with you.

Life Care Decisions

Even if you are one of the healthiest people alive, you can still suffer from an accident that could put you into a coma or cause a head injury at any time during your life. Being prepared for the unexpected is what a medical POA is all about. Contact a Chesterfield, MO estate planning lawyer from Legacy Law Center today and begin making sure that your wishes will be followed no matter what happens in the future.


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    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
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