Help! My Trustee Is A Fraud!

Help! My Trustee Is A Fraud!
  HELP!  MY TRUSTEE IS A FRAUD!                 Trustee’s should be trusted, but are not always trustworthy.  In fact, it’s unfortunately not uncommon for a chosen trustee of a trust [...]
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Serving As Trustee of A Trust? Not As Easy As It Looks!
SERVING AS A TRUSTEE OF A TRUST:  NOT AS EASY AS IT LOOKS One of the services provided by Legacy Law Center is trust administration.  When a person passes away [...]
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Family of Robin Williams Involved In Estate Litigation
FAMILY OF ROBIN WILLIAMS FIGHTING OVER HIS ESTATE Mr.  Williams hanged himself last year at his home in California.  He apparently had created an estate plan but a dispute has [...]
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Contingency fee probate litigation….
      A contingency fee agreement is a type of legal fee agreement in which an attorney agrees to litigate your case without being paid for the legal fees [...]
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    Client Review

    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
    Client Review