DEALING WITH DEBT AND CREDITORS IN PROBATE                 Probate in Missouri can be complicated.  When dealing with debt and creditors in probate, the entire process can become extremely complicated.  As [...]
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Aretha Franklin Didn’t Have An Estate Plan…
ARETHA FRANKLIN DIDN’T HAVE AN ESTATE PLAN                Legendary singer Aretha Franklin died on August 16, 2018.  She was 76 years old and apparently died without an estate plan. As [...]
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Probate Shortcuts: The Spousal Refusal of Letters…
Missouri Probate Shortcuts: The Spousal Refusal of Letters… Missouri law offers several probate shortcuts, depending on the circumstances of the client.  One of the most common and indeed, one of [...]
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Missouri Probate Steps: Inventory Filing…
MISSOURI PROBATE STEPS:  INVENTORY FILING This blog article discusses the the Missouri probate step of filing an inventory. So a person has passed away and either they had a will [...]
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Do I Need An Attorney For Probate In Missouri?
Do I Need An Attorney For Probate In Missouri?     Yes.  You do need an attorney in Missouri for probate.  Here is why:  First, in order to proceed with [...]
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Family of Robin Williams Involved In Estate Litigation
FAMILY OF ROBIN WILLIAMS FIGHTING OVER HIS ESTATE Mr.  Williams hanged himself last year at his home in California.  He apparently had created an estate plan but a dispute has [...]
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What are the fees for probate in Missouri?
What are the fees for probate in Missouri? Probate involves several types of fees and costs, which fall primarily into four categories. First is a bond premium.  The probate estate [...]
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What happens if I don’t have a will in Missouri?
What happens if I don’t have a will in Missouri? When you execute a will, you are deciding who gets your stuff when you pass away.  You get to name [...]
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Avoiding Probate in Missouri
Avoiding probate in Missouri saves time, money and sanity.. A primary goal of almost all of my estate planning clients is to avoid probate.  Probate is the process by which [...]
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Philip Seymour Hoffman left nothing for his children in his will
Philip Seymour Hoffman left nothing for his children in his will Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died earlier this year from a drug overdose.  He left three children and a [...]
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    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
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