Business Succession Planning: Family-Owned Businesses

Business Succession Planning: Family-Owned Businesses
BUSINESS SUCCESSION PLANNING:  FAMILY-OWNED BUSINESSES             Business succession planning for family-owned businesses is vitally important to their survival after the death of the founder(s).  By some estimates, for example, more [...]
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Trust Administration Lawyer MO
TRUST ADMINISTRATION IN MISSOURI                Over the years, I have had the honor to serve as a trustee of a few living trusts, as my clients have requested.  It is [...]
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Starting an estate plan…
    Estate planning can be intimidating.  Most people don’t like to talk about death and taxes and studies show that about 55% of people die without a will or [...]
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Estate taxes and inheritance taxes…
Clients are often understandably confused about the effect of so-called death taxes on their estate planning.  To start, the term “death taxes” usually refers to two separate taxes:  estate tax [...]
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    Client Review

    “Charles Moore answered my question right away. He made me feel at ease and took the time to listen to me. When I need a tax lawyer it will be that young man. You are lucky to have someone like him. Diana Tilley”
    Diana Tilley
    Client Review